Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Lemon Juice - Remedy for Kidney Stone Removal

                        Lemon Juice - Remedy for Kidney Stone (Calcium Oxalate) Removal

According to studies, lemon juice is very helpful in removing kidney stones,  typically, kidney stones are formed when small mineral sediments accumulate in your kidneys for an extended period of time. Although the stone starts out as an insignificant substance, it tends to grow larger if it is not eliminated from the system promptly. These mineral sediments that form the stones usually consist of uric acid or calcium that is present in urine. Kidney stone formation is also enhanced when there is an inadequate amount of water in the kidneys to dissolve the waste products. This is the reason why nutritionists and doctors recommend that you take eight glasses of water every day.
The size of kidney stones varies between 4 and 7 millimeters. When the kidney stone is very small, it could dissolve on its own, as long as you are taking sufficient amounts of fluid. On the other hand, if the kidney stone is too large to be dissolve by water or lemon juice, surgery may be necessitated for the removal of the kidney stone. The most common type of kidney stones is those that are formed by calcium phosphate. However, lemon juice is effective for dissolving them because of its Vitamin C content.


1.     Prepare 20 ounces of natural lemon juice
2.    Drink it straight
3.    After an hour
4.    Prepare 1 ounce and mix it in 8 oz of water.
5.    Drink it and
6.    do the no. 3-5  process for 12 hours

Pure lemon juice raises the citrate levels in urine, and this is known to protect you against calcium stones. Although you may opt for orange juice, it is important to note that it will not lower the calcium levels in your kidneys, and it actually increases your oxalate level.


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