Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Mango Fruit: a lesson on how to enjoy the present while preparing for the future

Take an invitingly yellow colored ripe mango. pick the one that captures you first by its irresistible smell and then later by its soft, succulent and serenity-inducing meat. Here's what you will discover:

you can enjoy the fruit but much as you would like to you can never completely remove all the fibers from the seed. the reason is that the seed need this coating in order to grow when it is replanted.

enjoy the fruit. enjoy the present

leave the seed intact and replant it: remember to plan and plant for you future.

that is why I call the mango the fruit of wisdom. reminds us to enjoy the present but prepare something for the future. enjoy now and still enjoy later. that is the mango principle.

By : Ptr. Doy Castillo

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